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OWASP - Secure your dotnet app by scanning for vulnerable nuget dependencies in CI pipelines

OWASP - Secure your dotnet app by scanning for vulnerable nuget dependencies in CI pipelines


1 Articles


In this article, let's learn about scanning for Vulnerable Nuget Dependency and break the build to avoid malicious code in dotnet.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Scanning in CI Pipeline
  3. Summary


Understanding and mitigating vulnerabilities in software dependencies is crucial in modern development. While leveraging open-source libraries enhances productivity, it also introduces potential risks that necessitate robust defenses. Nuget packages are the popular way to consume external libraries in .NET applications. However, these packages can contain vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers.

This can be manually checked by developers, but it is not a scalable solution. It is also not feasible to keep track of all the dependencies and their versions. Starting .NET 8, there is a support for auditing packages. But as of writing this, NuGet Audit is available starting from NuGet 6.8, the .NET 8 SDK (8.0.100), and Visual Studio 2022 17.8. But that doesn't solve the problem. I was trying for a solution independent of IDE. This is where automated tools come into play. In this article, we will learn how to scan for vulnerable Nuget dependencies and break the build in CI pipelines.

Scanning in CI Pipeline

You can now list any known vulnerabilities in your dependencies within your projects & solutions with the dotnet list package --vulnerable command. You will see any vulnerabilities within your top-level packages. You will be able to understand the version resolved, the severity of the advisory, and a link to the advisory for you to view. If you are interested in seeing vulnerabilities within your transitive packages, you can use the --include-transitive parameter to see those.

We can add --format json parameter to get the output in json format. The specification of the json can be found here. This can be used to parse the output and take necessary actions. So all we need to do is to run this command in our CI pipeline and fail the build if there are any vulnerabilities.

Code Sample - UNIX command to check for vulnerable nuget package and fail build

The above code dumps the JSON output to list.json file and recursively checks for severity key under projects and returns non-zero exit code if there are any severity KV pairs. If there are no severity keys then just print the messgae and continue the build.

Continue build when no vulnerability is found

Thats it. This should work as expected. But this will fail even if a Low severity vulnerability is found. You can adjust this solution to fail your workflow for some specific severity level e.g. Critical or High by updating jq filter i.e. select(test("Critical|High")). This is how it is done in the ilovedotnet CI pipeline.

Code Sample - UNIX command to check for vulnerable nuget package and fail build for selected severity

Fail build for vulnerabilities with selected severity


In this article, we have learned about the new tools that NuGet provides to help you scan your NuGet packages for security vulnerabilities. These tools should help you secure your software supply chain and take action today. We also leveraged this tool and added functionality to break the build if any vulnerability is found. This is a great way to ensure that your software is secure and that you are not introducing any new vulnerabilities into your software. If you're interested in the best practices that you can check out the Microsoft documentation on best practices for a secure software supply chain.

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  • Owasp
  • Security
  • Dependency Check
  • Nuget Vulnerability
  • Malicious Code